Top 10 Most Famous Chinese Women in History

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China is a country with a rich cultural heritage and history. It goes without saying that China is also one of the most developed countries in the world. The history of China has been decorated with stories of countless remarkable and famous Chinese women. They have left an indelible mark on the nation’s social, cultural and political landscape.Well, these women are not only celebrated in China, but their stories are known around the world at large.

Top 10 Most Famous Chinese Women in History

This article is a tribute to ten such women, offering a glimpse into their lives and legacies.

Presenting you our list of the top 10 most famous Chinese women in history. While reading, please keep in mind that there is no absolute ranking factor on who has had the most impact, so your list might differ from ours! Happy reading.

10. Lin Huiyin (1900-1955): Architect and Author

Lin Huiyin was a multi-talented artist, architect, and writer who left a lasting mark on Chinese culture. She played a crucial role in the preservation of ancient Chinese architecture, using her skills and knowledge to document and restore historical structures.

Lin Huiyin’s own architectural designs blended traditional styles with modern elements, creating unique and inspiring spaces. Beyond architecture, she was also a celebrated writer, exploring themes of love, loss, and national identity in her prose and poetry.

9.  Zheng Yi Sao (1785-1844): The Pirate Queen

Number 9 on the list of famous chinese women is Zheng Yi Sao.  Slso known as Ching Shih, she was a formidable pirate leader who dominated the South China Sea in the early 19th century. Taking control of her deceased husband’s vast pirate fleet, she commanded a force of over 300 ships and 70,000 pirates

. Zheng Yi Sao’s shrewd leadership, tactical brilliance, and strict code of conduct earned her respect from both pirates and authorities. Eventually, she negotiated a pardon from the Qing Dynasty, leaving behind a legacy of female empowerment and defiance of authority.

8. Empress Wu Zetian (624-705): The Only Ruling Empress

Wu Zetian stands alone as the only woman to ever hold the sole title of emperor in Chinese history. Rising from a concubine to become the power behind the throne, she eventually seized power and declared herself Empress Regnant, ruling for over two decades.

Her reign was marked by territorial expansion, cultural advancements, and a ruthless consolidation of power. Despite controversy, Wu Zetian remains a symbol of female ambition and political astuteness.

7. Tu Youyou (born 1930): Nobel Prize-Winning Scientist

Tu Youyou is a renowned scientist who co-discovered artemisinin, a revolutionary antimalarial drug. Her tireless research and dedication during the Cultural Revolution led to the development of this life-saving medication, which has significantly reduced malaria mortality rates worldwide. Tu Youyou’s groundbreaking work earned her the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, a testament to her scientific prowess and unwavering commitment to public health.

Tu Youyou is a distinguished pharmacologist and Nobel laureate renowned for her discovery of artemisinin, a groundbreaking treatment for malaria. Born in Ningbo, she pursued her education in pharmacology and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Tu Youyou’s research, conducted during the Cultural Revolution, led to the identification of artemisinin, which has saved millions of lives worldwide. Her work earned her the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2015, making her the first Chinese woman to receive a Nobel Prize in a scientific category. Tu Youyou’s contributions have had a profound impact on global health and medical research.

6. Song Meiling (1898-2003): A prominent political figure

Another wonferul lady among the list of famous Chinese women in history is Song Meiling. Also known as Madame Chiang Kai-shek, she was a prominent political figure and the wife of Chiang Kai-shek, the leader of the Republic of China. Born into the influential Soong family, she received a Western education and played a significant role in Chinese politics and international diplomacy.

Song Meiling was instrumental in garnering international support for China during the Second Sino-Japanese War. She traveled extensively, giving speeches and raising awareness about China’s plight. Her efforts helped secure vital aid and support from Western nations. Song Meiling was also a strong advocate for education and social reforms, establishing numerous schools and charitable organizations.

5.  Zhang Haidi (born 1955): Activist and Writer

Zhang Haidi is a prominent disability rights activist, writer, and translator in contemporary China. Despite being paralyzed from the waist down due to polio, she has become a leading advocate for the rights and welfare of people with disabilities.

Zhang Haidi’s activism began in her youth, and she has since written numerous books and translated foreign works into Chinese. She has also served as the chairwoman of the China Disabled Persons’ Federation, working tirelessly to improve accessibility and opportunities for disabled individuals. Her resilience and advocacy have made her a respected and influential figure in Chinese society.

4. Gong Li (born 1965): Extraordinary Actress

Gong Li is an internationally acclaimed actress known for her outstanding performances in Chinese and international cinema. Born in Shenyang, she rose to fame through her collaborations with director Zhang Yimou, starring in iconic films such as “Red Sorghum,” “Raise the Red Lantern,” and “To Live.”

Gong Li’s talent and versatility have earned her numerous awards and accolades, making her one of the most celebrated actresses, and famous chinese women in the world. She has played a crucial role in bringing Chinese cinema to global audiences and continues to be a prominent figure in the film industry.

You can follow Gong Li on instagram.

3. Qiu Jin (1875-1907): A feminist Martyr

Qiu Jin was a revolutionary feminist, poet, and martyr who fought against the Qing dynasty. Born into a traditional family, she defied societal norms by pursuing education and advocating for women’s rights.

Qiu Jin’s activism extended beyond women’s issues; she was deeply involved in the anti-Qing revolutionary movement. She founded a revolutionary journal and organized uprisings against the imperial government. Qiu Jin’s dedication to her cause ultimately led to her execution, but her legacy as a pioneering feminist and revolutionary endures. She is often referred to as the “Chinese Joan of Arc” for her courage and commitment to justice.

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2. Soong Ching-ling (1893-1981) Champion of Peace and Reform

Soong Ching-ling, also known as Madame Sun Yat-sen, was a prominent political figure and a tireless advocate for social justice in China. As the wife of Sun Yat-sen, the founding father of the Republic of China, she played a crucial role in the Chinese revolutionary movement.

Soong Ching-ling was a dedicated advocate for women’s rights and social reforms. After Sun Yat-sen’s death, she continued to support revolutionary causes and worked closely with the Communist Party of China. She served as the Honorary President of the People’s Republic of China and was a symbol of integrity and patriotism. Her legacy lives on through various institutions and charities established in her name.

Soong Ching-ling, sister of the prominent Soong sisters, was a leading figure in 20th-century Chinese politics. Initially married to Sun Yat-sen, the founder of the Kuomintang party, she became a vocal advocate for social reform and women’s rights. After the Chinese Communist Party came to power, Soong Ching-ling served as the honorary president of the People’s Republic of China, promoting peace and international cooperation. She remains a controversial figure, admired for her commitment to social justice yet criticized for her support of Mao Zedong’s regime.

1. Empress Dowager Cixi (1835-1908): Empress who Modernized China

Number one on our list of famous chinese women  is Empress Cixi. When talking about fierce, and extraordinary women from China, Cixi is never left behind.

Empress Dowager Cixi was one of the most powerful and influential women in Chinese history. Born as Yehenara, Cixi rose from the rank of a low-ranking concubine to become the de facto ruler of the Qing dynasty. She effectively controlled the Chinese government for nearly half a century, from 1861 until her death in 1908.

Cixi is often credited with modernizing China in various aspects, such as military, education, and infrastructure. She initiated significant reforms, including the introduction of the telegraph, railways, and modern industries. Despite facing criticism for her conservative and autocratic style, Cixi’s reign marked a transitional period in Chinese history as the country moved towards modernization.

Honorable Mention | Famous Chinese Women

Mulan (legendary)

Mulan is a legendary figure celebrated in Chinese folklore and literature. Her story, popularized through the Ballad of Mulan, tells of a young woman who disguises herself as a man to take her father’s place in the army.

Though her existence is debated among historians, Mulan’s tale has become a symbol of bravery, filial piety, and gender equality. Her legend has been adapted into various forms of media, including books, operas, and films. Mulan’s story continues to inspire and resonate with audiences worldwide, highlighting themes of courage and self-sacrifice. That is why she deserved to be mentioned in the list of famous Chinese women.

Summary | Top 10 Most Famous Chinese Women in History

  1. 1. Empress Dowager Cixi
  2. 2. Soong Ching-ling
  3. 3. Qiu Jin
  4. 4. Gong Li
  5. 5.  Zhang Haidi
  6. 6. Song Meiling
  7. Tu Youyou
  8. Empress Wu Zetian
  9. Zheng Yi Sao
  10. Lin Huiyin


From political leaders to scientists and artists, these women have left an incredible impact on Chinese History and culture. They are also a great role model for newer generations of women to break the barriers and contribute to a better world. They are not just famous Chinese women but also a representative of wonderful country that is China.

This was our list of top 10 most famous Chinese women. Do you agree with our list? Leave us a comment and follow on your socials!

Thank you.

About Author

Hello, I am Grace. Just a normal girl from a small country in Asia. I think women are wonderful, but their contributions and success are less talked about. I write about some inspirational women in this blog. Enjoy!