Top 10 Great Women of the Bible

A women reading bible : Top 10 great women of the bible
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In the annals of history, the pages of the Bible are filled with stories of extraordinary men and women who left an indelible mark on the course of human events. While the biblical narrative often focuses on the deeds and teachings of revered figures like Moses, Abraham, and David, it also highlights the remarkable contributions and unwavering faith of women who have, through the ages, served as beacons of inspiration and strength.

In this blog post, we embark on a journey to discover the great and famous women of the Bible—women who, in their own unique ways, have not only shaped the biblical narrative but have also left a profound legacy of resilience, courage, and devotion. Their stories transcend the boundaries of time and faith, offering timeless lessons and inspiration for people from all walks of life.

Join us as we explore the lives of these inspirational women of the Bible, each a shining example of what it means to overcome adversity, follow one’s calling, and stand as a symbol of faith and perseverance. Through their stories, we find not only a deeper appreciation for the richness of biblical history but also valuable lessons that can illuminate our own paths and inspire us to strive for greatness.

Top 10 Great Women of the Bible

The Bible is full of great women whose stories have inspired and challenged readers for centuries. These women were brave, intelligent, and faithful, and they faced many challenges in their lives. But they always put God first, and they never gave up on their dreams.

The Bible mentions several women who are considered great figures in the religious texts and have had a significant impact on biblical narratives. Here are some of the notable women mentioned in the Bible:

10. Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene was a follower of Jesus and is often mentioned as one of the women who witnessed his crucifixion, burial, and resurrection. She is sometimes referred to as an apostle to the apostles.

9. Elizabeth

Elizabeth was Mary’s relative and the mother of John the Baptist. Her story is found in the New Testament, particularly in the Gospel of Luke.

8. Mary

Mary is perhaps the most famous woman in the New Testament. She is the mother of Jesus and is revered by Christians as the mother of the Messiah. Mary was the mother of Jesus Christ. She was a woman of great faith and humility.

7. Esther

Esther was a Jewish queen of Persia who used her position to save her people from a genocide. Her story is recounted in the Book of Esther.

Esther was a Jewish woman who became the queen of Persia. She used her position to save her people from genocide.

6. Ruth

Ruth was a Moabite woman who became the great-grandmother of King David. Her story is one of loyalty, faith, and redemption.

Ruth was a Moabite woman who married an Israelite man named Mahlon. After her husband and father-in-law died, she returned to Bethlehem with her mother-in-law, Naomi. Ruth was a woman of great loyalty and kindness.

5. Deborah

Deborah was a prophetess and judge of Israel. She played a crucial role in the military victory over the Canaanites and is celebrated for her wisdom and courage.

Deborah was a prophetess and judge in Israel. She was a wise and courageous leader who helped to defeat Israel’s enemies.

4. Miriam

Miriam was the sister of Moses and Aaron. She played a significant role in the Exodus story and is known for her leadership and musical talents. Miriam was the sister of Moses and Aaron. She was a prophetess and a leader of the Israelites.

3. Hagar

Hagar was Sarah’s Egyptian maidservant and the mother of Abraham’s first son, Ishmael. She is a key figure in the story of the Abrahamic covenant.

2. Sarah

Sarah was the wife of Abraham, considered the mother of the Jewish people. She is known for her faith and for giving birth to Isaac in her old age. Sarah was the wife of Abraham and the mother of Isaac. She was a woman of great faith and courage, even when things were difficult.

1. Eve

According to the Bible, Eve was the first woman and the wife of Adam. She is a central figure in the creation story and is often associated with the first sin.

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Special Mention


Rahab was a prostitute who lived in Jericho. She helped the Israelites to capture the city by hiding two Israelite spies.


Abigail was the wife of Nabal, a wealthy man who was foolish and wicked. Abigail used her wisdom and diplomacy to save her husband and family from David’s anger.


The Bible’s portrayal of these remarkable women serves as a testament to the enduring power of faith, the strength of character, and the unwavering commitment to their beliefs. As we delve into their stories, we will uncover the lessons and insights they offer, lessons that can guide us in our own journeys through life. From the steadfastness of Sarah to the courage of Esther, from the wisdom of Deborah to the grace of Mary, these women exemplify the qualities that continue to inspire and empower individuals today.

These are just a few of the many women mentioned in the Bible who played important roles in the biblical narrative and are considered great figures in religious history. The Bible contains numerous stories of women from various backgrounds who exhibited faith, courage, and resilience in their journeys.

About Author

Hello, I am Grace. Just a normal girl from a small country in Asia. I think women are wonderful, but their contributions and success are less talked about. I write about some inspirational women in this blog. Enjoy!