Saint Mary MacKillop Biography: Life, Sainthood & Death

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Australia has been blessed with remarkable women who’ve made significant contributions in various fields. While we often hear about women in politics, the arts, and other areas, it’s important to recognize those who’ve had a powerful impact on the spiritual and religious aspects of this country. One such extraordinary woman is Saint Mary MacKillop. Hers is a story of faith, compassion, and courage.

MacKillop is revered by many Australians as a saint and a national icon, who dedicated herself to helping others. She is also a role model for women and girls everywhere.

Saint Mary MacKillop Biography: Notable Facts

Full Name Mary Helen Mackillop
Common Name Mary Mackillop
Birthdate Jan 15, 1842
Birthplace Fitzroy Victoria Australia
Father’s Name Alexander Mackillop
Mother’s Name Flora Mackillop
Nationality Australian
Religion Christian
Education None
Occupation Religious sister, educator, social reformer
Height 5 ft 3 inches (160 cm)
Eye color Brown
Hair color Dark Brown
Spouses None
Children None
Website Website of the Josephites

Saint Mary Mackillop Biography : Childhood & Family

Mary was born as Mary Helen Mackillop in 1842, in a small town called Fitzroy in Melbourne, Australia. She was the eldest of eight children born to Alexander Mackillop and Flora MacDonald. Her parents were immigrants from scotland. Trying to build a life in a new country is difficult in itself. On top of that, the Mackillop’s faced financial difficulties as well, struggling to provide for such a large family.

However, her parents knew education was the only way of changing their fate. Mary’s parents enrolled Mary and her siblings to school. Due to their family frequently moving from one place to another, her education was not consistent.

Saint Mary MacKillop grew up in a religious family

Her family was devoted christian, and it influenced her from childhood. Her father had a strong influence on her spiritual development, teaching the importance of life of service to the needy.

Mary started working as a governess at the age of 18. As a governess, she got to educate many children. It kindled her passion for teaching, and caring for children, especially the less fortunate ones.

Taking religious vows

Mary’s life took a turn when she met FatherJulian Tenison Woods. He was a catholic priest dedicated to providing education to the underprivileged. 

With the help of Julian, Mary founded a religious congregation known as the Sisters of the Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart in 1866, in South Australia. This congregation aimed to assist the needy, and help spread education in rural and remote areas.

Mary took her vows on November 21, 1866, becoming the first sister of Saint Joseph. She adopted a new name “Sister Mary of the Cross”, and dedicated her life to serving the less fortunate through the newly established congregation.

The Josephites quickly set about establishing schools and welfare institutions for the poor and marginalized throughout Australia and New Zealand. MacKillop was a passionate advocate for education for all, and she believed that everyone deserves a chance to succeed in life. She also fought for the rights of women and workers.

Mary MacKillop and her congregation were known for their commitment to social justice and helping the less fortunate. They cared for orphans, provided shelter to women and children, and supported marginalized communities.

You might also want to read about: Top 10 greatest women of the bible.

Facing opposition 

Some in the Catholic Church opposed MacKillop’s work because they thought she was too independent and vocal. In 1885, the Church even excommunicated her. However, they took the decision back two years later. 

Despite the challenges she faced, MacKillop continued to work tirelessly for the poor and marginalized. She died in 1909 at the age of 67. In 1995, she was beatified by Pope John Paul II, and in 2010, she was canonized by Pope Benedict XVI.

Saint Mary Mackillop Biography: Notable Achievements

  • Co-founder of the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Sacred Heart
  • Pioneered education for the underprivileged in Australia
  • Committed to social justice and caring for the less fortunate
  • Temporary excommunication and later reinstatement by the Catholic Church
  • Beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1995
  • Canonized as a saint by Pope Benedict XVI on October 17, 2010

Saint Mary MackillopBiography : Important Dates

  • Born: January 15, 1842 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
  • Died: August 8, 1909 in North Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
  • Beatified: January 19, 1995
  • Canonized: October 17, 2010

She is Australia’s first saint and is still celebrated for her contributions to education and social welfare. Her feast day is celebrated on August 8th each year.

MacKillop’s legacy continues to inspire people around the world. She is a reminder that we can all make a difference in the lives of others, no matter how humble our beginnings may be.

Read about more wonderful and inspiringl Australian women here.

About Author

Hello, I am Grace. Just a normal girl from a small country in Asia. I think women are wonderful, but their contributions and success are less talked about. I write about some inspirational women in this blog. Enjoy!